Your passion for writing, and my passion to help you be absolutely stellar.

Here we are.


Let’s take a minute to lay out some expectations concerning our literary partnership.

And partnership it will be, to be sure.


We will be working closely with each other to make sure that I provide you with the best bang for your buck. To do so, we need to build a little community of two that is harmonious, and ZEN AF. (Ha! I knew I couldn’t go through this whole website without dropping a thinly veiled F-bomb.)

Anyway, let’s go!


What I expect from you:

  • No handwritten copy . I prefer Word or PDF files that can be edited online, but I will accept printed, double-spaced projects.
  • A thoroughly researched project. You really don’t want me to waste time and money doing research, do you?
  • NO PLAGIARIZED WORKS! I’m very wise and will know if it is. Really. You will get the boot and forfeit your retainer.
  • No pornographic copy. Don’t need it, don’t want it. Besides, do people who read your naughty prose really care if it’s been carefully edited? 
    • On occasion, so called “bodice rippers” will get hot and heavy. That genre I will accept if the actions propel the story.
    •  Also, language doesn’t offend me in the least. Let the F-bombs fly! Confession: I have a bit of a foul mouth myself. (My friends are guffawing right now.)
  • I expect you to be able to respond positively to feedback. You’re paying for my services, and I will be putting a lot of time and effort into making your project the best that it can be. Please be able to accept my feedback in the spirit that it is given.
  • Please don’t give me your project and tell me that you just need about an hour’s worth of work on it as you’ve already proofed it yourself. If so, why are you coming to me? Also, I’ll probably narrow my eyes and say, “Hold my beer.” Let me tell you something about me…I don’t “skim.” If I see an error, I’m going to flag it and look for more.
  • Learn some basic proofreading marks. Sometimes I’ll be making copious amounts of notes in the margins or in the double-spaced lines on the pages. Along with those, I’ll also use weird little symbols to correct format, punctuation, and spelling. (I’ll provide the correct spelling for any word that’s incorrect, too. Isn’t that nice of me?) A reference chart is provided in the Writer’s Resources area of this website.
  • Tell me what color ink to use when I proof your project. If you have made personal notes using red ink, it would be confusing for me to use red ink. I can certainly use green or blue or purple. (Note: Purple soothes the savage editor. Choose purple.) Not black, though. It tends to blend in with your copy

Payment: Obviously I’m not going to know right off the bat what the final cost of my services will be. During the initial consultation, I can give you an estimate of the final cost. If the work needed begins to exceed the estimate, I will contact you for approval to continue. I’m very cognizant of budget restraints.


A retainer of $70 (two hours of work) will be expected for me to begin work on your project. I will accept VENMO, PAYPAL, cash, or Square.


What you can expect from me:

  • First and foremost, honesty.
    • My evaluations of your work will be fair and honest.

    • My charges will be well within the comparable price ranges of my colleagues in this field.

    • I will bill you for the correct amount of time spent working on your project


  • My feedback to you, both verbal and written, will be respectful of you and your work. For example: If you ask me at our first meeting what I think of your project, and I say, “Well, it’s not odious,” don’t be offended. (I’m kind of a smart ass.) That is me giving you encouragement! It takes a lot for someone to put themselves out there for the world to see. I am here for you.

  • Confidentiality. I will not divulge the subject or plot line of your project to others who are not involved in your project

  • Assuming that you are self-publishing, or distributing your finished work by other means, my involvement in your work ends when my job is done. Yes, I will have to break up with you. That doesn’t mean that we can’t have refreshing beverages together on the Petio, and gaily laugh and reminisce about the times that we fought over the correct usage of “they’re, their, and there.” Writers can PARTY!


If all of these expectations are agreeable to you, let’s set up either a face to face, or online meeting using either FaceTime or Zoom. I want to work with you!


Ready to Elevate Your Writing?

Contact Julie Rorabaugh today to discuss your editing needs and schedule your personalized Holistic Editing services!