Ready to enhance your writing?

I’m prepared to help you using my Holistic Editing method.

But first, a bit about me…

A little story…


Every writer I know has trouble writing. - Joseph Heller


It all began with retirement, and a move from Kansas to New Mexico.


In true Beverly Hillbillies fashion, my husband, our Maine Coon cats, and I, loaded up our things and hit the road, becoming brand-new New Mexicans in 2016.  I like to think that the cats and I acclimated rather well, enjoying the exotic flora and fauna, and the eclectic culture. The jury is still out on my husband, though. (BTW, road runners are not shades of purple. We have been lied to.)


I’ve wholeheartedly embraced the quirkiness of NM, as I have purple and silver hair, I wear very funky glasses and have countless pairs of them, and dress like an old hippie. I tend to wear copius quantities of the hand-crafted jewelry that I create under the business name of “Jooleery.” Demand dictates that my focus is currently on high-end hat bands, some of which have appeared in movies and several television series filmed in New Mexico. They are not SAG members, unfortunately.


Retirement is a relative thing. - Julie Rorabaugh


I started editing by proofing some copy for my personal trainer’s program journal that accompanied his training program’s book. I discovered that I enjoyed helping him produce strong written copy to accompany his exemplary fitness program. The journal may be found on Amazon. One Eight Zero - Transformation Journal Paperback And the book that started it all: One Eight Zero: One Fitness Goal. Eight Rules. No turning BACK, Gabriel Maestas, Author (I can’t take credit for editing this book.)


Yes, I loved my new “semi-retirement” status as a proofreader/copy editor/copy reviewer/line editor/writing coach and general dispenser of wisdom concerning the business of writing. Again, retirement is a relative thing. I found myself with things to DO! Editing and jewelry creation filled my heretofore empty days! Woo hoo! (Well there were the occasional Sasquatchin’ excursions in our beautiful  Sandia (Watermelon) Mountains, but that’s best left to MY book.)


I came here with a whole string of “alphabet” letter degrees, with the top degree of MSEd, a Master’s of Education. I had taught Composition II, Interpersonal Communications, and Business English at the higher education level for many years. Needless to say, I’ve graded more than my fair share of papers. Why not take on a project to help the literacy of books and copy in general, something that as an “advanced reader,” I had noticed declining in the passing years?


There is no great writing, only great rewriting. - Justice Louis Brandeis


I soon discovered that almost EVERYONE in the Albuquerque Metro area was writing a book, or knew someone who was doing the same! These were writers who could possibly use my services. Seriously. Put a group of six people together at a coffee shop, mention proofreading books or copy, and at least four people will have their awesome tome either in production or completed, but unpublished due to the lack of an afordable editor. Even Facebook friends of friends in locations at a distance, were curious about me and my business.


Cue the catchy name, Write On, New Mexico…a few business cards…a cool website…and a decision to promote my business as“Holistic Editing.” Listing all of the services that I provided, categorizing them, and figuring out fees for each one was quite frankly exhausting. After all, I actually did ALL the tasks every time that I cranked up the iPad and the Apple Pencil Pro, no matter what category in which I was supposed to be working. So one overall function, and one price…$35 per hour.


Holistic editing -Characterized by my belief that the parts of your writing are interconnected and can be examined only by reference to the whole. - Julie Rorabaugh


I “office” out of Satellite Coffee at 1642 Alameda Blvd NW, ABQ, NM. I’m there most mornings by about 9:00 AM and stay until around noon. You’ll find me on their Petio (pet-friendly…many, many dogs) during clement weather. I’m usually thinking deep thoughts, but you’re welcome to sit a spell (KS-speak) and chat. Those of you who are not local, you can FaceTime (316.641.6472) or Zoom me! 


Write On!



Obviously written by a Klingon editor.

Of course you are, Grasshopper! Your writing is not odious!*

(*one of my many forms of praise for your writing)

Just because. Who doesn’t love a lucky Japanese Maneki-Neko cat?

“Cold Brew or Iced Coffee? What will it be today?”

Thinking VERY deep thoughts.

Get in touch with Julie for personalized Holistic Editing services today!